Sunday 8 March 2015

That was summer.

That was summer!!
Written by Hunter wilson!!

Have you ever smelled summer?
Sure you have.
Remember smelling the sweet nectar of the flowers and the smell of chlorine from the pool.
Remember the dry faint smells in the air and the sweet bacon sizzling on the bbq.  
That was summer.

Have you ever heard summer?
Sure you have.
Remember hearing the singing cicadas all around you and the huge splashes from the pool.
Remember the buzzing of the singing bees and the hummingbirds that fly around you while they are singing.
That was summer.

Have you ever tasted summer?
Sure you have.
Remember the sweet and creamy peach and custard pies made by mum and the Christmas pavlovas that you're aunties made for you.
Remember the delicious sweet bacon and the yummy sausages that were made by your dad and the most delicious fish and chips.
That was summer.

Have you ever felt summer?
Sure you have.
Remember feeling like you’re going on vacation and the warm breeze that surrounds you.
Remember the heat of the sun making you want to get an ice cream and my feet sinking when the waves came upon you.
That was summer.
By Hunter