Wednesday 24 June 2015

Planes grounded in New Zealand

While reading the news, I came across this article about The Planes grounded in New Zealand.
I found it interesting, because I have never heard about this in the news before in my life It makes me think of what will happen in the further.
I’d like to know how the flight station wasn't working.
This is important because we might not wants it to happen again.

Sunday 14 June 2015

Port Waikato Camp - Information Report

Port Waikato Camp
Port waikato camp is a camp that primary school aged children attend for their yearly school camp. It has been around since 1928, and it used to be a health camp for sick children. Port waikato camp is a place where you do a lot of fun activities.

Port waikato camp is 1 hour and 30 minutes away from morrinsville and it is in the west coast of New Zealand. Port Waikato Camp is on the way to Auckland. It is located near bushes, trees, beaches and sand dunes.

Sleeping arrangements
One class goes to camp out each night, and the other classes sleep in the dormitories at the Camp (Camp out is when you sleep in tents).  

Camp out
Camp out is a place where you sleep in tents and cook dinner and dessert on fires. You can walk to a waterfall to get refreshed or you can stay at camp and play in the creek. You will also have time to go eeling and fishing in the creek.

There are lots of activities that you can do at camp such as abseiling, rock climbing, sand dunes, the beach for a mud fight, rock pools where you can find sea creatures and slug gun shooting. Slug gun shooting is where you try and shoot cans and metal tyres that are hanging up on posts.

Camp is a place to have fun. When you are at camp you learn a lot of new things and achieve goals that you set for yourself. It is a chance to conquer your fears like going down trhe abseiling wall.