Tuesday 25 August 2015

Grass (Sensis)

Grass (Sensis)

I Feel I feel hurt when I get stomped on by herds of kids running all over me. I get smooshed when the kids go on me non stop. I felt muddy and cold when I waited for the kids to come. Sharp stones landing all over me and cutting me.

I See I can see herds of kids running on top of me and my friends. It was as if they didn’t even care if they stood on us. I can see happiness on kids faces when they finish. And also sad miserable faces because they didn’t get the place that they wanted. I see the leaves falling off the tree and getting smooshed into me. I Hear I can hear people shouting out to their children saying go faster,try and get around him or her.

I can hear the whistling winds blowing past the kids when they run past because they are running against the wind. I can hear encouragement coming from the parents and grandparents that are watching their kids.

I Smell I can smell sweat from the kids as it lands on me. The dirt rising through the air as kids trample all over me. The flowers flying up into the air as kids pass by and little parts of the flowers falling all over me and my friends.

Sunday 16 August 2015

A canteen at school

Dear board of trustees

A canteen at school Do you what people at school to be happy? Well then you MUST put in a canteen at school. I strongly believe that you MUST put in a canteen at DAVID STREET SCHOOL!!!

My first reason is that it will give the school more money to buy more equipment like hockey sticks, rugby balls, and PE gear. It will also allow us to buy more things for the playground and more play gear for morning tea and lunch.

My second reason is kids don’t have to make their own lunches. It gives kids more time to do what they need to do in the morning instead of making their lunch. It takes kids too long to all their chores in the morning. Mornings are so stressful.

My third reason is kids can chose their own lunch so they eat all their food and come back home with their lunch box full of food now that would be wasteful wouldn't it. So they don’t come home and say I don’t like this mum.

Wednesday 12 August 2015

Elephant Seals Need Hugs Too!

While reading the news, I came across this article about Elephant Seals Need Hugs Too!
I found it interesting, because Elephant seals usually don’t give people hugs
My opinion about elephant seals need hugs too is that it is not usual for an elephant seal to give people a hug. I wish I understood why the baby elephant seal gave that lady a hug.
Screenshot 2015-08-13 at 10.38.27 AM.png

Tuesday 11 August 2015

My goal

My goal is to run over 2 kilometers and not stop at all for the entire race and I did beat my goal!!

Sunday 2 August 2015

My goal for my next piece of persuasive writing

My goal for my next piece of persuasive writing is to make my conclusion a bit longer and to put my ideas into paragraphs.